The Physician in Action
Dr. Yonten and I have moved on from the development of disease, and skipped ahead 19 chapters to the Chapter called Bya Byed sMan Pai, which means the physician in action. In here there is a complete explanation of all the views, characteristics, vows, qualities, etc. that a physician must uphold in order to become a supreme healer. Really fascinating stuff, the whole thing is writtten to be like a poetic prayer. I will start memorizing it shortly, and then we are going to work to write a short book which will be a guide for western healthcare practitioners based on this chapter and his elaboration on the subject. I will be the one who turns it from Indo-Tibetan English into something understandable by both professional and lay readers.
What an honor. You are obviously having an important role in preserving and spreading the wisdom of an oppressed culture that hos so much to offer the world and its suffering children.
I hope that you are happy and well as can be! You are in my thoughts often.
Take care,
Hey, Kyle,
How is the book coming?
We are missing you already. I hope we hear a bit about your life in India this trip.
I have linked you to my blog, by the way.
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